Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others

Our elitist overlords, lest we forget
Though educated and well-versed in etiquette
Peer down from ivory-towered parapets
Upon us, their fiscal marionettes,

As we plebs, alarmed by erratically rising rents,
Scurry, in futility, between concrete tenements
Our government, unfettered by moral conscience
Exert their wealth and power for malign influence.

Their spin doctors, committees and political whips
Concoct the financially vicious economic edicts
Which then spew from the caviar-stained, rictus-grin lips
Of these harbingers, these horsemen, of the Torypocalypse.

The flop-topped Boris Johnson champions the heroics
Of ‘The City’ and those bankers who fucked up our economic
Situation, but don’t be fooled by his goofball antics,
For only his name is honest; Johnson means dick.

Whilst Osborne (born Gideon, not George, as he’d like to insist),
Looking like the escaped, evil dummy of a ventriloquist
Serves as Satan’s accountant and chief Neoconomist
Implementing the policies and levies designed to brutally fist…

…All of us in this fixed fiscal hegemony
Which falls far short of the ‘free market’ they purport it to be
Yet Cameron demonstrates stock market support symbolically
By injecting both his semen and faith into the pork belly.

This plastic facsimile of a human strives to obfuscate,
Using false sincerity as a foil, a construct to placate,
To mask the gulf between the elite and the electorate
Enabling his party to enact their destructive mandate.

Their agenda has remained constant since Pitt ousted the Whigs
The protection, by election, of selectively favourable economics
Entrenching their entitlement to all profits, while we pay the vig
Ensuring that, although we’re aware they’re pig fuckers, we remain the pigs.


Now read this

Tolchock to the Gulliver

The lights change and I scurry across the road, tucking in my scarf where the wind is getting through. It’s chilly for April, and I hunker against the cold as I walk. Looking up, I can see a group of four youths by the bus stop, two boys... Continue →