A Calm and Reasoned Response to Politics

Fuck all you self-serving politicians, of these last thirty selfish years,
All you insidious, parasitic wealth amassers, and all you hereditary peers.
Fuck Thatcher and her cronies for the damage they have wrought.
Fuck every member of Parliament whom corporate interest has since bought.

Fuck they who were profitably complicit in the dismantling of our industries
And all those who stood by or benefited, as we were stripped of our liberties.
Fuck those that stoked and, to this day still invoke, the ‘glory’ of the Falklands War,
For inciting otherwise well-natured folk to ‘go and give those Argies what-for’.

Fuck them for enabling NATO in their numerous illegal, economically imperial wars,
For the fostering of fear and hatred, and justifying every radicalist’s cause.
Fuck each and every politician, whether they be politically of the Left or the Right
Who, for profit or by plot, conveniently forgot the people for which they were meant to fight.

Fuck the “Bullah, Bullah” Bullingdon cunts for their amoral, elitist stance
And fuck that pig-fucker Cameron for hastening this Capitapocalyptic advance.
Fuck that war criminal Tony Blair for enfeebling the natural opposition from The Left
That should have challenged the ‘greed is good’ fallacy which now glorifies institutional theft.
Fuck the sacrificial offering of our media industry to that tyrant fuck Rupert Murdoch.
Fuck our parent’s generation for letting those hard-fought-for lessons of emancipation be forgot.
Fuck the lot of you! Fuck God! Hell, why not? Fuck that mysterious, imperious such and such
But you know what, most of all fuck me; for doing so fucking little and yet swearing so fucking much.


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My ten most formative books

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